Press Releases
Jun 16, 2009
NOVACES Presents Scholarship Awards in the College of Engineering at the University of New Orleans Honors and Awards Convocation
The annual honors and awards ceremony celebrates student achievement
New Orleans, LA (PRWEB) June 16, 2009 -- NOVACES, a premier implementer of today's most powerful process improvement methodologies, presented awards to students in the College of Engineering's 36th Annual Honors and Awards Ceremony at the University of New Orleans. Over 180 students, faculty and guests attended the ceremony that was held on campus in the Homer L. Hitt Alumni & Visitors Center.
Ray Clements (l) accepts the Capstone Design Award from Ivan Radovic, president of NOVACES at the 36th Annual Honor and Awards Ceremony in the College of Engineering at the University of New Orleans. |
The program recognized undergraduate and graduate engineering students for academic scholarship, emerging talent and contributions to the University's collegiate community. Numerous awards were presented in disciplines ranging from electrical and mechanical engineering to naval architecture and marine engineering.
Amid the celebrations, the accomplishments of two outstanding individuals received awards sponsored by NOVACES. Undergraduate Ray Clements was awarded the NOVACES Capstone Design Award in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, and in the School of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering Mark E. Van Zandt was given the NOVACES Graduate Award.
NOVACES' roots are in the University of New Orleans research center and the company provides scholarships to the college in recognition of the importance of grooming future industry leaders. "As part of our company values, we operate under the 'giving back' model," said president of NOVACES Ivan Radovic, who presented the company's awards at the event.
"The collaboration between our faculty and industry is designed to help achieve the level of excellence expected of a major engineering college," said Russell E. Trahan, Jr., Ph.D., Dean of the College of Engineering in remarks following the ceremony. "NOVACES is a good example of the kind of support we receive from industry leaders for the college's student scholarships and awards program."
The College of Engineering at the University of New Orleans offers a broad selection of degrees through the Ph.D. level. There are four departments in the college, including Civil and Environmental Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering. All the departments offer the Bachelor of Science degree.