Press Releases
Dec 9, 2010
NOVACES Promotes Lean Six Sigma for Healthcare Webinar Series at the 22nd Annual National Forum on Quality Improvement in Healthcare
The Lean Six Sigma for healthcare consulting firm is educating healthcare organizations about best practices in process improvement through its webinar series promotion at the Institute for Healthcare Improvement's 22nd Annual National Forum on Quality Improvement in Healthcare.
Orlando, FL (Vocus/PRWEB) December 09, 2010 -- NOVACES, a management consulting firm that provides Lean Six Sigma and performance improvement services to healthcare organizations, announced today that it is promoting a series of webinars that provide insights into how to implement process improvement in healthcare at the Institute for Healthcare Improvement’s (IHI) 22nd Annual National Forum on Quality Improvement in Health Care.
This year’s forum, with over 5,000 attendees, had a theme of “Taking Care” and was held at the World Marriott Convention Center in Orlando, Florida. Maureen Bisognano, IHI's new CEO who took over this year after Don Berwick finished his twenty-year tenure since the organization’s founding, introduced the IHI strategy called Triple Aim during her keynote.
The IHI Triple Aim, according to Ms. Bisognano, emphasizes that new designs must be developed to simultaneously to improve the health of the population, enhance the patient care experience, and reduce or control the per capita cost of care.
The webinar series promoted by NOVACES at the IHI Forum supports the Triple Aim and teaches participants about the tools and methods that facilitate the design of new clinical and administrative processes that healthcare organizations can implement to help meet the challenges of providing higher quality care at lower costs to an aging U.S. population.
The first of the performance improvement webinars offered by NOVACES is “Physician Perspectives on Performance Improvement” and aims at helping healthcare organizations understand how physicians perceive process improvement and how to improve their level of engagement in projects that require their support and their knowledge to create positive and lasting changes to processes. It is scheduled for December 13 at 1 PM EST and registration information can be found at novaces.com/webinars.
The next webinar is offered on December 14 at 1 PM EST is “Taking Lean to the Next Level: A Hospital Case Study.” This session will focus on how a hospital engaged in a rapid planning process for the deployment of process improvement tools and methods throughout the facility. It includes examples of the initial improvement projects that produced both clinical and financial benefits. Registration information can also be found at novaces.com/webinars.
The final webinar in the series on December 16 at 1 PM EST is “Medication Reconciliation: One Big Pill To Swallow” and is a case study presentation that provides insights on how a hospital was able to reduce medication reconciliation errors from 60% to 13%, using Lean Six Sigma process improvement tools. Registration information can be found at novaces.com/webinars.
The IHI 22nd Annual National Forum on Quality Improvement in Healthcare wrapped up on December 8. As the event concluded, Vickie Kamataris, who is a nurse and healthcare process improvement expert for NOVACES commented, ”IHI represents the leading edge of innovation in healthcare. The keynote speakers discussed the core issues confronting healthcare and the keys to creating positive change. It’s encouraging and energizing to be able to tie what we do every day for NOVACES clients to each of the three elements of the IHI Triple Aim.”
NOVACES is a leading provider of healthcare performance improvement, Lean Six Sigma, and quality management consulting and training services to hospitals, health systems, large physician networks, nursing homes and rehabilitation centers. Employing its SystemCPI roadmap, the company provides a framework to deploy and manage a performance improvement program that enables clients to rapidly achieve return on investment and self-sufficiency. For more information, visit http://www.novaces.com or call 1-877-577-6888.
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