Press Releases
Jan 11, 2011
NOVACES Announces Award for Continuous Process Improvement and Lean Six Sigma Services for Defense Logistics Agency Troop Support in Philadelphia
NOVACES, a leading management consulting firm for performance improvement and continuous process improvement in the public sector, announced today that it has been awarded today a firm fixed price contract for Continuous Process Improvement (CPI) support to Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) Headquarters under an existing Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA) for Lean Six Sigma / CPI Support. This new work is to be carried out with DLA Troop Support in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
NOVACES will leverage its experience delivering process improvements, cost savings, and increased efficiencies for the federal government and military. A leader in CPI consulting and training services, the award reflects the company's scope of work for the U.S. Department of Defense, which includes contracts for CPI deployment, curriculum development, mentoring and training for naval shipbuilding, naval aviation logistics, healthcare delivery, missile defense, and garrison services.
The process improvement work at DLA Troop Support in Philadelphia is to be carried out at an opportune time, as Defense Secretary Gates has recently announced a plan to slash overhead and increase efficiencies across the Department of Defense. According to his recent announcement, Gates plans to redirect $100 billion in overhead spending over the next five years into higher-priority warfighting needs and modernization programs.
"We are pleased to be a part of the DLA CPI/LSS team. The tools and methodologies deployed by DLA have set the standard for CPI deployments in the DoD," said Tommy Houston, vice president of public sector services for NOVACES.
In addition to training Black Belts, Green Belts and Champions, the BPA involves opportunities to provide best practice guidance, recommendations for updates to the training curriculum, mentoring of new practitioners and project coaching. The BPA also allows for some conduct of specific CPI deployment activities, such as Value Stream Mapping and Analysis, Rapid Improvement Events, and just-in-time training.